Friday, February 15, 2008

Another School Shooting

Yesterday, another school shooting took place. Six people killed including the shooter another ten wounded.
Again the cry sounds, they (the schools) got to do something about it. I agree but I'll be dammed if I know what is to be done.
They can get metal detectors but a smart person can still slip a gun by them.
How do we protect the students against a person with a sick mind? Both the VT and the shootings yesterday were done by a person who either was on meds. and stopped taking them or by someone who has had psych. problems. The school staff are not trained enough to spot these people let alone treat them. And of course not all people with psych issues commit such terrible acts.
We cannot remove these people from school. The lawyers would really enjoy it if someone tried. So just what do we do?
We could hire more police/guards to patrol the halls at all times but can you guess the cost of this ? And these added costs would be passed on to those enrolled and there are too many that can't afford this level of schooling as it is.
Saddly, there is no real easy answer to this question.
Could tougher gun control help ? It might but anyone who wants a gun bad enough can get one on the street for the right price.
Schools should be a safe place where one learns about a great many things. Where everlasting friendships are formed, careers are choosen. One should not be worried about how to get through a school shooting.
Like I said, I'm losted for a answer, I don't know of one. Do you?
Rest In Peace those who died. nuff said

Rocket Roger

The other day I watching the senate committee hearings on the HGH in baseball.
I listened to both Roger Clemens and his former trainer give sworn statements. Now it becomes a " who's lying, who's telling the truth" thing.
BOTH were found to have been lying at some point or another during the hearings. So how will we ever find out the truth?

Well its really very simple.
The trainer kept the needles and gauze pads he claimed to have used on Clemens just in case this day ever came. And it has arrived.
Those needles and gauze pads are now in the hands of the senate. So what are they waiting for?
Get them to a lab and have then checked out for the kind of substance they once contained. Also get then checked out for DNA as well. If the contents once contained HGH and if there is Clemens DNA on the needles, then it's case closed. Then someone should be charged with perjury, the same as Barry Bonds.
Anther thing I just heard of is that no matter what happens President Bush would pardon Clemens if he was found out to have done something wrong. Talk about sending the wrong message. nuff said

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clinton or Obama

There is a great deal of interest in the race for the white house for myself and alot of other Canadians.
History could very well be made this time around by the election of either the first women or the first black president.
Looking at both these choices, both have good points and a few not so good.

Clinton, well she does have the background because of old Bill" but that won't be much to brag about because of the whole " Monica" thing. She does score points because she's had to put up with his cheating all these years. But just how much will " good old Bill" have to do with her running the country if she's elected. She says none but can you believe her? I find it hard to relate to anyone whose husband doesn't think oral sex is really sex at all.
And lets not forget the " Whitewater " thing. Something fishy happened with that but it got hidden under the rug nicely.
As for Obama, well he's the new guy, but is he really ready to lead the country? Guess time will tell but I would think being president of the united states is one job that the US wants " on the job training". Also an concerned about the " O " factor. O as in Oprah. I sometimes think she get alittle too involved in certain issues but I guess with all her money, she can.
Never seen a president cry yet. Oh I'm sure some have but not in public. If she's elected guess all the secert service will carry hankies as well as guns.
But lets not forget the war hero. He passed up coming home three times to allow others being held longer to go first. That takes guts, how many would do that?
But does just having guts make you a good leader of the largest country in the free world? I'm not too sure.
One thing I'd like to see is a Obama/Clinton ticket or a Clinton/Obama ticket.
That would be real hard to beat and if you can't be number one, then the number two spot is not to bad.
But I'm not sure their egos will allow that to happen. nuff said

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Freedom Writers

I'm sure we are all tired of turning on the news and hearing of all the gangland crap by the young people. Shootings, robbings, beatings all done by the young people who by all accounts should be still in school.
Have any of you ever seen the movie " Freedom Writers"? Its the story of one teacher who made a difference. She got her students off the streets, out of gangs and showed them that they really do matter.
Her work is still going on as I write this and can use all the support they can get.
We have all moaned about gangs and young people hanging out and getting in the trouble.
Well we now we can stop all the moaning and help fix it.
I urge any of you reading this to rent the movie or do a google search on " Freedom Writers" or better still do both.
Then open your wallets as well as your hearts and sponsor as best you can the work of the Freedom Writers.
People I find spend a lifetime complaining about things they could be helping to change with just a little effort.
Remember young people are our future, invest in their future and in the future of our childrens children. You'll be so glad you did. nuff said

Should Have Been First Perhaps

This should have been perhaps my first blog however better late then never.
The opinions expressed in my blogs are mine and mine alone.
You may read then and agree or you may read them and disagree, you have that choice.
I may be right about what I say or I could be totally wrong.
But they are what I feel and at my age I've earned the right to say what I feel.

So readers " damm the torpedoes, full speed ahead".

Letting Go

Letting go can mean different things to different people. My rant is geared towards those people who have trouble of letting go of any power or position that they once have had or held.
A term of office is just that, a period of time where someone holds that position but now that time has expired.
Some people just can't let go and they feel the need to exact their influence still even though they no longer hold any position other then that of member.
And lets not get into the term"past". That is one term that I'm really getting to dislike.
Some people leaving office still try to hold onto power by being a "past" something or other.
In one breath they tell people "its time for them to move on, step aside, let others take over but as soon as someone comes forward with a new idea they trip over themselves trying to influence the group one way or another. They speak of getting " new blood" involved and listening to fresh, new ideas. But all that is just talk cause they still want to be control, be in charge, lead the way. They just want to do it and appear that they've let others "steer the ship". They really have no intentions of ever letting go but it does sound good and would give the appearence of being opened minded to change.
These "past anythings" should be respected and should be sought out if guidence is needed AND requested.
This means that all those little chats before and after meetings to ONLY a certain few should never take place. When I'm part of a group, and I see little groups chatting, I start to feel why not chat with the whole group? Guess I'm not suppose to know certain things or God forbid they must feel that I wouldn't agree with them so the quiet lobbying goes on.
Trade unions are great for this. Even though someone has left office his/her power is still being exacted/forced on to those now charged with running things .
Service clubs can fit into that mode at times.
At a time when these service clubs are dying a very slow death, they cry out for new members, the "new blood with the fresh ideas". Yet they have trouble keeping alot of them because if the truth be known, alot of times, those members who have been around for awhile really don't want any change unless it's them that suggest it.
So why do they need the new members, those younger people? Well could it be because someone has to do some things that some other members just don't want to do. In the army, its called "grunt work" It can be called alot of different things but it really mean the same thing.
New members must be listened too, their ideas given lots of thought. It can't be the old way all the time. Things change and so do peoples ideas. Things that worked 5 years ago may not work today and the same may hold true for things that didn't work years ago but just might today.
These "past's" must be prepared to be just that, past as in yesterday. The groups must move forward with fresh new ideas, new leadership, new energy if we are to stop the slow dying. nuff said

Does Older Mean Wiser Or Nosey

So at what age are people considered to be "old"? I'm in my late 50's and have been told that when I reached the age of 50, I was "over the hill". Yet I know people in the 60's who say they feel like their in their 40's. So I guess its true when they say " your as old as you feel". But that makes me even more confused because there are days when I feel really old and days when I have a "spring" in my step and really feel good. So it must be a persons mindset.
One thing I know is that when I get older, I would hate to think that on my best days I would be involved in minding everyone else's business. I know some people who live for that, sticking their nose's in where it doesn't belong, being a snoop, a gossop, a busy body. They pass it off at times by saying they are just being concerned, worried. Call it what it really is, they are just plain nosey. You'll get asked a question and should you choose not to reply, you get called rude. The truth being, there are some things that are just not anyones damm business.
I work with a couple of people like that. They ask you a question and they say that there "just wondering thats all". Call it what it is, there are just being nosey, fishing for infomation, looking for something that they can gossop about or someone they can gossop on. I know some people who won't even give you the time of day but will have no problem asking you about something which doesn't concern them.
I have a name for these people. They are called "fogs". That stands for " f_ _ king old goats.
As I get older I intend to avoid at all possible becoming a "fog". There are times even now when I find myself in the "fog mode" and it scares the hell out of me.
I've been lucky for most of my life that I have been able to, for the most part, mind my own business but it has come with a price.
I have been accused of being "standoffish, moody, unfriendly, non social and aloof". I even have been accused about not caring about certain things because I refuse to mind other people business or gossop. Well I care more then some people think but I don't have to go around sticking my nose into someones business just to prove it.
When I get "older" I truly hope I can avoid becoming a " fog". I would hate to think that the better part of my day will be taken up by minding other peoples business and/or gossoping. nuff said