Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clinton or Obama

There is a great deal of interest in the race for the white house for myself and alot of other Canadians.
History could very well be made this time around by the election of either the first women or the first black president.
Looking at both these choices, both have good points and a few not so good.

Clinton, well she does have the background because of old Bill" but that won't be much to brag about because of the whole " Monica" thing. She does score points because she's had to put up with his cheating all these years. But just how much will " good old Bill" have to do with her running the country if she's elected. She says none but can you believe her? I find it hard to relate to anyone whose husband doesn't think oral sex is really sex at all.
And lets not forget the " Whitewater " thing. Something fishy happened with that but it got hidden under the rug nicely.
As for Obama, well he's the new guy, but is he really ready to lead the country? Guess time will tell but I would think being president of the united states is one job that the US wants " on the job training". Also an concerned about the " O " factor. O as in Oprah. I sometimes think she get alittle too involved in certain issues but I guess with all her money, she can.
Never seen a president cry yet. Oh I'm sure some have but not in public. If she's elected guess all the secert service will carry hankies as well as guns.
But lets not forget the war hero. He passed up coming home three times to allow others being held longer to go first. That takes guts, how many would do that?
But does just having guts make you a good leader of the largest country in the free world? I'm not too sure.
One thing I'd like to see is a Obama/Clinton ticket or a Clinton/Obama ticket.
That would be real hard to beat and if you can't be number one, then the number two spot is not to bad.
But I'm not sure their egos will allow that to happen. nuff said

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