Sunday, February 10, 2008

Freedom Writers

I'm sure we are all tired of turning on the news and hearing of all the gangland crap by the young people. Shootings, robbings, beatings all done by the young people who by all accounts should be still in school.
Have any of you ever seen the movie " Freedom Writers"? Its the story of one teacher who made a difference. She got her students off the streets, out of gangs and showed them that they really do matter.
Her work is still going on as I write this and can use all the support they can get.
We have all moaned about gangs and young people hanging out and getting in the trouble.
Well we now we can stop all the moaning and help fix it.
I urge any of you reading this to rent the movie or do a google search on " Freedom Writers" or better still do both.
Then open your wallets as well as your hearts and sponsor as best you can the work of the Freedom Writers.
People I find spend a lifetime complaining about things they could be helping to change with just a little effort.
Remember young people are our future, invest in their future and in the future of our childrens children. You'll be so glad you did. nuff said

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