Friday, February 15, 2008

Rocket Roger

The other day I watching the senate committee hearings on the HGH in baseball.
I listened to both Roger Clemens and his former trainer give sworn statements. Now it becomes a " who's lying, who's telling the truth" thing.
BOTH were found to have been lying at some point or another during the hearings. So how will we ever find out the truth?

Well its really very simple.
The trainer kept the needles and gauze pads he claimed to have used on Clemens just in case this day ever came. And it has arrived.
Those needles and gauze pads are now in the hands of the senate. So what are they waiting for?
Get them to a lab and have then checked out for the kind of substance they once contained. Also get then checked out for DNA as well. If the contents once contained HGH and if there is Clemens DNA on the needles, then it's case closed. Then someone should be charged with perjury, the same as Barry Bonds.
Anther thing I just heard of is that no matter what happens President Bush would pardon Clemens if he was found out to have done something wrong. Talk about sending the wrong message. nuff said

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