Sunday, February 10, 2008

Does Older Mean Wiser Or Nosey

So at what age are people considered to be "old"? I'm in my late 50's and have been told that when I reached the age of 50, I was "over the hill". Yet I know people in the 60's who say they feel like their in their 40's. So I guess its true when they say " your as old as you feel". But that makes me even more confused because there are days when I feel really old and days when I have a "spring" in my step and really feel good. So it must be a persons mindset.
One thing I know is that when I get older, I would hate to think that on my best days I would be involved in minding everyone else's business. I know some people who live for that, sticking their nose's in where it doesn't belong, being a snoop, a gossop, a busy body. They pass it off at times by saying they are just being concerned, worried. Call it what it really is, they are just plain nosey. You'll get asked a question and should you choose not to reply, you get called rude. The truth being, there are some things that are just not anyones damm business.
I work with a couple of people like that. They ask you a question and they say that there "just wondering thats all". Call it what it is, there are just being nosey, fishing for infomation, looking for something that they can gossop about or someone they can gossop on. I know some people who won't even give you the time of day but will have no problem asking you about something which doesn't concern them.
I have a name for these people. They are called "fogs". That stands for " f_ _ king old goats.
As I get older I intend to avoid at all possible becoming a "fog". There are times even now when I find myself in the "fog mode" and it scares the hell out of me.
I've been lucky for most of my life that I have been able to, for the most part, mind my own business but it has come with a price.
I have been accused of being "standoffish, moody, unfriendly, non social and aloof". I even have been accused about not caring about certain things because I refuse to mind other people business or gossop. Well I care more then some people think but I don't have to go around sticking my nose into someones business just to prove it.
When I get "older" I truly hope I can avoid becoming a " fog". I would hate to think that the better part of my day will be taken up by minding other peoples business and/or gossoping. nuff said

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