Sunday, February 10, 2008

Winter Driver Snow Heads

Don't you just hate it when you've had a huge snowfall overnight and you have to wake up early to clean your car off to get to work? At times it feels you've put a full day in by just cleaning your car off.
Another thing that bothers most people I've talked to is the dummy that doesn't clear the top of his/her car off and your travelling behind him/her.
Last year, early in winter we had a major snowstorm here in London. People say it was one one the worst they've seen. Even the London Transit was shut down thats how bad it was.

I watched as some people in my apartment building parking lot "dug" their way out and made some attempt to get their car moving.
Later on in the day I watch one car pull into the parking lot with as much snow on the top of the car as was on the ground. I would have hated to be behind that fool driving on the streets. These people just don't get it that they are creating a hazard by driving with all the snow on the top of their cars.

I once asked one driver why he didn't clean it off and was told "why bother, as long as I can see out my windows, the wind will take care of whats on top". What a jerk.
He's right about the wind however as the wind blows the snow off his car, it blows down in front of the driver behind him/her causing them to be "blinded" .
People like that who have no regard for other drivers should be ticketed or charged with dangerous driving. Seems like a simple case of " I'm alright Jack, to hell with you".
People should remove as much snow as possible from their cars before heading out on the roads, even the tops of their cars. Its the right thing to do. nuff said

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