Saturday, February 9, 2008

Committement or Lack Of It!!!!

Don't you just hate having someone saying they will do something and you find out later they didn't till its too late? This happens to alot of people most every day. I think that these people commit just because they want to give the impression that they are doing something, being involved. Oh I know that at times that things may change and for one reason or another, they just can't do what they said they would do, but they need not wait to tell people till its to late for someone else to do something. These people are not only unreliable but they are also selfish. We all depend on others from time to time to do something for us or any group we belong too. To say that we will undertake something then do nothing and not tell anyone is as I said selfish at the very least. I have at times myself agreed to do somethings but have understood later I could not fulfil what I said I would do. The only difference is that instead of not doing anything, I tell someone so that someone else could fill in. I also hate being put in a position of having a "guilt trip" laid on me when I choose not to do something or take a position. Some people really have mastered this and have it down to a fine art. They make you feel that the whole thing, begins or ends with you accepting the position or the job. But still the world will turn with or without my involvement.
I have never been shy about giving of my time but only if I have the time to give or the interest in doing whatever is being asked of me. I sometimes bite off more then I can handle but for the most part I see it to the end. At my age I guess I will no longer be presured or "bullied" into doing something I feel that I'm not ready for or have no interest in at all. There are times when I feel I'm not ready to take on certain tasks or jobs and I really don't want to fail, let the team down so to speak. There are also times when I get asked ONLY because its something someone wants done but they really don't want to do it themselves. So here comes the " guilt trip". Other times what is being asked is something very unimportant to some people because they feel it is not worth Their time or effort. These people have a highly rated opinion of themselves. They feel that untaking such "minor" tasks would be beneath them so the "fluff off" begins.
So from now on, its only things that interest me, if I have the time and if I know that I can make it work. So take your guilt trip down the road, it doesn't stop here. nuff said

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