Saturday, February 9, 2008

The War

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I don't believe that Canada should be over there but then again "they "didn't fly planes into any of our buildings in Canada. I believe the time for debate on this issue was before we went over and after we come home but NOT DURING. It's no big secret that Canada is number three on the target hot list behind both the U.S.A. and England. As you know those countries have suffered attacks by gutless people who think of nothing then killing simple people, men, ladies and children who are only guilty of going about their everyday lives. The attack on the twin towers and the subway system in England has shown to me that these so called human beings are not worthy of any pity or anything else for that matter. They claim thats its a "holy war" yet their God speaks of peace in the Qur'an. I guess these people need something to justify what they do.
Now our government is in a flap about what happens to the fighters we catch. Are they being turned over so they can be tortured? Who the hell cares? Oh I guess the "bleeding hearts " of the country do but as I said it wasn't our buildings nor our subways that were hit.

To me its really simple, if someone is caught, fighting against our forces, no trial, no mercy, no anything. Line them up, and shoot them down. Don't give me all the moral bullcrap about their rights, they don't have any. What happened to all those killed during the 9/11 attack? They had rights. What happened to the rights of those killed in the subway attacks In London England? You take a life, you lose your life, its that simple. And that is clearly stated in the bible.
So to all you bleeding hearts, morally correct people out there who may read this, think of the victims of these senseless attacks. Think of their families and friends. Think of their rights before you concern yourself with the sub human people that caused them all their pain and endless grief.
I know the bible speaks of "turning the other cheek" well I got four cheeks. The two on either side of my nose and the two I sit on, I'm all outta cheeks. nuff said

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