Saturday, February 9, 2008

First Blog, First Rant

And so here I am. Caught up in a "bloggers" world. And at my age too. Well guess it was only a matter of time before it would happen.
My partner was getting tired of hearing me going on and on about things that bothered me. I don't blame her because if the truth were to be known, I was getting tired of listening to myself. So I guess "blogging" will be a good way to "vent", get some feedback and other points of view. ( I hope)
So here is my first "rant" Its for all you so called Maple Leaf hockey fans. It has been said by some well known sports people that leaf fans are either the most loyal or the most stupid. Based on what I see and hear, I think most of them are just plain stupid. They haven't had a winner since the 70's and the team management really doesn't care if they ever do . And why don't they care?
Its because game after game, YOU the stupid fans filled the arena, buy all the leaf stuff you can find and spent over $100.00 per preson per night to watch a team that the leadership really doesn't care if the win or not. WAKE UP LEAF FANS, stop going to games, stop buying leaf stuff. You need a hockey fix, well then go to see the Marlies or other junior teams play. You'll see real good, fast paced games, much cheaper and these players and coaches really want to win. You work hard to earn your money to buy the tickets and buy the other stuff and the leaf management "laughs" all the way to the bank. Demand change, you deserve it.
By the way, in case your wondering, I was born and raised in Toronto, in the 50's,60's and 70's the Maple Leafs were my team. Now I only watch NHL hockey when the playoffs are on. My favorite team, well don't really have one but do hate the Flyers. OK nuff said, what do you think? Omg , I just remembered, its saturday today and the Maple Leafs are on T.V. tonight. You poor, poor leafs fans. Another night of the never ending " what if's".

1 comment:

Jamie A. Grant said...

Welcome to the blog world, and well ranted!