Saturday, February 9, 2008

Super, Super Bowl

This past superbowl game was a great game to watch. Any championship game that goes down to the final seconds before a winner is decided is great for any sport. I was cheering for the Giants for a couple of reasons. First, they beat my team, the Green Bay Packers. The "pack" have been my team since the "Vince and Starr" days. Second, I hate cheaters. New England was caught cheating earlier in the season and before anyone of you suggests they weren't, the coach was fined a half million dollars while the team itself was fined $100,000.00. So don't tell me they weren't cause we both know thats bullshit. The New England team was suspected of cheating in some form for a few seasons but nothing was ever proven till this year. Let me say now that this by no way reflects on any of the players on that team. It does speak loudly to the mindset of thier coach.
The game was NOT over, there was 1 second showing on the game clock when he raced across the field to shake the other coaches hand. As he was doing this, the game officials were telling him that there was still time left on the clock. NFL rules state that the game cannot end with time remaining on the clock. The New England coach ignored this and ran off the field with most of his team following him. The NFL must fine him again for this as what he did showed poor sportsmanship to say the least. Talk about "taking your ball and going home cause you can't play quarterback".

I had said earlier that it did not reflect on the players, well all except one, Tom Brady. Another poor sport if ever there was one. He never crossed the field to shake Mannings hand. One camera was on him as the game ended and he didn't go across the field. He was as poor a sport as his coach was and a disgrace to the team, and the league.
So in closing, it was not only the best team that won the superbowl but the team that deserved it more. A team with class out playing a classless quarterback and coach. I feel bad for the other players but it is a team sport. Hear that Tom? Hear that coach Bill? Its a sport, show some sportsmanship. nuff said

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