Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ramage Rant

Ahhh poor Rob Ramage. He has to do jail time for killing a passenger in his rented car while he was well over the drinking limit.
At his trial, nobody ever said they poured the booze down his throat. Nobody ever said they "forced" him to drive the car while he was so drunk. After the accident, police stated that he didn't even konw who was with him in the car he was so drunk. But we should all feel really bad that he has to serve some jail time because of it. BULLSHIT. If it was you or I, the jail time most likely would have been more. But saddly, we are not sports figures past or present.
It was said that he is a fine person, good family man and I'm sure he is but the point is, he killed someone by drunking and then driving.
My thoughts go out to the victim's family. No husband, no father anymore for that family, not ever. To the Ramage family, no husband, no father for awhile for them either. And all because of his selfish act. I'm having real trouble finding any pity for Rob Ramage.

Sports people, famous people who are in the " public eye" should be held to a greater degree of accountablity.
Dan Heatley, another hockey player who crashed his car while drunk, killing his very good friend, got off real easy, no jail time. They say he'll have the memory of that for the rest of his life. I'm sure he will as he contiunes to enjoy his "star" status .

The bottom line for me is this, you do something like that then you pay the same price as the average person, no special treatment, no star staus. To be in the spotlight is not a right but a privilege. To abuse this privilege you should lose the chance to have star status.
Suppose Michael Vick did not lie to the grand jury about his dog fighting ? Does that mean we should ignore what he did or was involved in just because he was honest? My God, I hope not. But saddly, his jail time was more or less based on the fact he lied at first when being questioned and not of what he had done.
I firmly believe that making ALL people, rich or poor, young or old, famous or not pay the same price for there actions. Its called accountablity. Nuff said.

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